Pit Balls, Tops, Trains, and Singing Turtles: Many new gender-neutral toys for toddlers released for 2016 holidays

Toddlers learn rapidly and their experience of the world can be greatly shaped and influenced by things such as media and toys. The toy industry has long-sought to find ways to amuse and engage young children via playthings and, for 2016, many toy companies have released brand new items that appeal to toddlers of both genders.
Imperial Toy, the worldwide leader in licensed and non-licensed bubbles, seasonal products and novelty toy categories, is reinventing physical play with Kiddy Up! Although Imperial Toy has been in business since 1969, “Kiddy Up” is a brand-new line that was formed in 2016. Among their first offerings was a series of 100 Count Pit Balls, Cannon Blaster and a Hopper Ball. “With so many children spending more and more time in front a screen, we wanted to give parents access to fun and affordable alternatives that they could feel good about giving to their kids,” said Greta Salmon, PR and Marketing, Imperial Toy. “We honestly enjoy encouraging growth and development of future generations”. “Kiddy Up does encourage children to be engaged in physical activity, which enhances motor skills and have beneficial exercise properties. “We have big plans for the next ten years,” Greta declared. “We have some really exciting ball pit and active play toys coming down the pipe for 2017 and beyond.”
Tops are a classic plaything which are ideal toys for toddlers. Among the most interesting new releases in the top market are the ones created by French company Moulin Roty, and its newest collection called “Les Jouets” which feature illustrations such as astronauts, spacemen, and more. “Moulin Roty is the designer of the Memoire d’enfant Collection which loosely translates to Childhood Memory,” said Kim Kennedy, Director of Operations at US distributor Magicforest. “The toys in this range are meant to bring out the child in all of us because they are fun, eye catching and colorful for both children and parents.” The newest editions to the collection are the Musical Globes which put a fanciful twist on original tops. The tops in this line feature round characters who dance in circles when the handle is cranked and music plays.
Cars, trains, and other track sets are yet more classic playthings that seemingly never lose their appeal. This year, VTech has produced several massively successful vehicle and track playsets, including the “Enchanted Princess Palace”, the “Blast-Off Space Station”, and the “Treasure Mountain Train Adventure”; all of which are in the “Go! Go! Smart” series which has been a hugely popular line among both parents and children for several years. Their “Care For Me Learning Carrier” (that features a cute stuffed dog) and the “Baby Amaze 3-in-1 Care & Learn Doll Stroller” are also ideal toys for little girls whilst boys will enjoy anything from the “Zoo Jamz” series.
Noise-making toys such as instruments and interactive figurines are also very popular among babies and toddlers. Hence, LeapFrog’s “Count & Crawl Number Kitty” is an excellent item for little ones. The toy is shaped like a cute cat and includes piano-like keys that make musical sounds while teaching children the numbers 1-20. Another new LeapFrog release for 2016 is “Melody the Musical Turtle” which is shaped like a cute turtle and features gorgeous LED lights in shades of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. The toy can be accessed by one or two players and it emits lots of cool sound effects including music. Melody the Musical Turtle teaches colors and numbers but it’s true strength is its ten pre-programmed activities including memory games, recognizing and repeating patterns, and more. In fact, the well-designed Melody can even be quite amusing for older children or even adults.
To learn more about these items visit the Imperial Toy website, the Bonjour Petit website, the VTech website and the LeapFrog website.