Molly Conole’s Musical Interview

What is IUWE? Pronounced “I,” “You,” “We,” it’s a musical revue that every woman, lady and girl can relate to. It’s a good ladies night out event. It is completely “family friendly” and it consists of a multigenerational cast of 6, two of which are the author’s daughters. Be ready to have every emotion hit in this one. You can find the performance at the 2013 Orlando Fringe Festival. Performances from May 15-28th. See website for full details and times at:
I caught up with Molly Conole to talk with her about her upcoming musical IUWE. I found out that she has been an actress for years, and writing music since 1989. Over the years she was told by many that her songs were so much like little stories that she should put them together and make a show.
But this particular musical revue came about in a special way. IUWE started to come to light about the time that her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Molly said that along with the diagnosis came a flood of music and emotion. With that came one song after another, all dealing with everyday issues we experience as a child, then a lady, and then a mother. All the things that make us laugh, love, and cry are shown through a three-generation viewpoint. There is something in here that everyone can relate to. It addresses real life events that we all experience in an upbeat, fun way. And yes, all generations shine in the rap song! I don’t want to give away too much, but if you can catch a show, by all means do!
I asked Molly if she had any other projects in the works for the future. She said that she would love to be able to take IUWE to tour around the U.S., to be able to share all the loving, silliness and simple joys in life with people everywhere. So help her out by checking out her sites listed below. There you will find full cast member bios, updates, and ordering information for the soundtrack CD & upcoming iTunes releases.
I would like to dedicate this article in honor of Sarah G. Ward Dunkley. She was Molly’s mother who supported her and knew all the music, but passed away in December 2011 before seeing the production on stage.
Official site:
Twitter: @IUWE_Musical
Interview by Jamie Leigh