ArtArt Interviews

Interview with artist Zhora Almosnino

Zhora Almosnino is an artist who is known for her playful, colorful and whimsical artwork. She was born in Europe but lived in Israel for many years where the bright sunlight and colors greatly inspired her. She studied and worked as a graphic designer before turning to painting, collage and other mediums. Zhora presently lives in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, and prides herself on creating art that brings feelings of joy to viewers. Recently, she discussed her experiences as an artist.

p1Meagan Meehan (MM) for Entertainment Vine: How and when did you decide to become an artist?

Zhora Almosnino (ZA): I loved art from the time I can remember, always was involved in art projects at school and at home.

MM: Growing up, which artists/types of art interested you?

ZA: Monet was and is my “big love” can’t have enough of his work, it’s so casual and colorful. Then came Frida with her subject matter and originality!

MM: How would you describe your work and what inspires it?

ZA: My work is contemporary, colorful and original – inspiration come from nature, something I hear on the radio could become a color or a thought.

MM: How did you go about getting into galleries and/or public showcases?

ZA: I started by calibrating with artist friends and sending my resume to libraries, galleries and restaurants. Every space has its potential since having your art out there for free is very popular.

MM: You have a solo show coming up at the Piermont Gallery. How did you secure that venue?

ZA: I’m a member at the gallery.

MM: What are your mediums of choice?

ZA: Oil and Mixed media. Now I’m into mosaic, I needed something new and it’s very exciting,

MM: Are there any mediums that you haven’t worked with yet but hope to soon?

ZA: I would love to go back to printmaking

MM: How did you develop this style?

ZA: By exploring and trying out new techniques. Most of the time it doesn’t work out but when it does it’s so wonderful!

MM: To date, what has been the most rewarding experience involving your artwork and/or being an artist?

ZA: When people love my work and if the art sells. Also, the time when I finish the work and I love what I did. That’s a great feeling!

MM: What advice would you give to someone who is aspiring to become an artist?

ZA: If art is your passion, don’t give up!

MM: Are there any upcoming projects and/or events that you would like to mention?

ZA: After my solo show I will travel and think.

Meagan Meehan

Meagan J. Meehan is a published author, poet, cartoonist and produced playwright. She pens columns for the Great South Bay Magazine, Examiner and AXS. She is also a stop motion animator and an award-winning abstract artist. Meagan holds a Bachelors in English Literature and a Masters of Communication. She is an animal advocate and a fledging toy and game designer.
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